Sunday, September 15, 2013

Analyzing the Cowardly Lion

Blog Post numero dos is about analyzing speeches!!
As I understand it, AP Comp is about analyzing language and looking into the different techniques that are weaved into either written or spoken text. So far, a lot of emphasis has been put on rhetorical techniques so I will be analyzing the rhetorical techniques in the Cowardly Lions Speech on Courage from the Wizard of Oz.

I'm really excited because it's one of my favorite movies!

Time for some analyzing!

There is obvious repetition in the speech. The lion's main point is to show that Courage is a necessary attribute to have which is why he continuous to repeat the word.
I also noticed that in the second line "What makes a flag on the mast to wave" the syntax is a bit off. In other words, I don't think that in normal, everyday dialect a person would speak like that. I think the reason the Lion chose to say it like that is to add attention to his speech (or in reality because it rhymed with slave).
As the speech is being presented the audience can feel the courage building up inside of the lion. This can be seen because with every word and sentence his words become louder and more rough. This is to show the effects of courage. The Lion's courageous attitude can also be seen with the way he walks around and moves his cape all around the place. Finally, the Lion also makes an allusion to the 7 Wonder's of the World in his speech.

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