Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reactions to School

  1. You're annoyed because it takes up 7 hours of your day
  2. Fury because your parents didn't tell you that it lasts 13 years
  3. Anger because people don't know how to walk in the hallways
  4. Annoyed again because you spent so much time at school yet you don't know how to pay bills or taxes or take out a loan, but I can graph a polynomial function!! 
  5. Sometimes excited when you show up to class and your teacher has the word "Video" written up on the board
  6. Hateful when you see the words "Test on Thursday" written on the board.
  7. Stressed because you have 3 tests and 5 quizzes this week and you did absolutely nothing related to studying over the weekend
  8. Jumping off the walls excited when your teacher says the test has been moved to next week (rarely)
  9. Pissed because you have to wait 7 minutes in line to go to the bathroom 
  10. Tired because it takes all of your energy to walk from Culinary to 4A
  11. Calm because there are 3000 other people who suffer like you

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