Sunday, December 29, 2013

Hello 2014

New Year's Eve is my favorite holiday (if it's even considered a holiday). I love the whole spirit surrounding that day even more than the spirit of Christmas. In my family, New Year's Eve/Day is the big winter holiday. Russian people don't really celebrate Christmas on December 25th so NYE is the big hoorah. Santa (or Father Frost as he is referred to) comes and we open presents and have a big party and it's a blast. Since I come from a different culture it's fun to compare what Americans do for the New Year versus what Russian's do and I think resolutions is just an American think. My parent's have never once been like "OK. Time to sit down and brainstorm all the ways we are gonna be different next year". No. That just doesn't happen. So I think that this whole New Year, New Me nonsense is just in the U.S. although I might/probably am wrong. I think that the New Year is a symbol for change and that is why everyone is so quick to change. It's basically an excuse to completely change your personality over night. I think resolutions are cool and all and no matter how many times I have said, I'm gonna exercise or I'm gonna do my homework right away, it never happens. The people who can write and stick to resolutions? Kudos to them. I'm super jealous but I'm not one of those people. But basically, I think the whole idea of re-inventing yourself is cool and all but I doubt that many people follow through. 


Sunday, December 15, 2013


Sorry, laying in bed dying from the black plague. I will blog later. (maybe)

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Reactions to School

  1. You're annoyed because it takes up 7 hours of your day
  2. Fury because your parents didn't tell you that it lasts 13 years
  3. Anger because people don't know how to walk in the hallways
  4. Annoyed again because you spent so much time at school yet you don't know how to pay bills or taxes or take out a loan, but I can graph a polynomial function!! 
  5. Sometimes excited when you show up to class and your teacher has the word "Video" written up on the board
  6. Hateful when you see the words "Test on Thursday" written on the board.
  7. Stressed because you have 3 tests and 5 quizzes this week and you did absolutely nothing related to studying over the weekend
  8. Jumping off the walls excited when your teacher says the test has been moved to next week (rarely)
  9. Pissed because you have to wait 7 minutes in line to go to the bathroom 
  10. Tired because it takes all of your energy to walk from Culinary to 4A
  11. Calm because there are 3000 other people who suffer like you

Sunday, December 1, 2013


I LOVE THANKSGIVING! I think it's a great holiday. Thanksgiving means it is now socially acceptable to blast Christmas music 24/7. Awesome. 

Ok. In my opinion, traditions are a great thing. I think they started (or at least in my family) because we wanted to remember something that somebody did. For example, my great grandma always made fish on Thrusday's, so now we all make fish for dinner on Thursday's. In the Gonikman house, Sunday is cleaning day (referred to as Sunday Fun-day). My grandma cleaned on Sunday's, my mom cleans on Sunday's which means that I clean on Sunday's. Although these aren't the super cool, super fun traditions like always putting up the tree on December 1st or making Turkey on Thanksgiving, they are still traditions. We do it because it's easy. We don't have to make up anything new, just do the same thing as last year. Although it can be boring sometimes, I don't think there is anything wrong with traditions and don't find them bizarre at all. It's just, I don't know, normal.

Happy Holidays!